In addition to providing therapy, Cadey is an AAMFT-Approved Supervisor and Shelby is an AAMFT-Approved Supervisor under the mentorship of Cadey. Cadey’s supervision style is largely influenced by IFS, and thus Cadey welcomes all therapist parts into the supervision process. Shelby’s style is influenced by a variety of models. We are able to discuss cases, ethics, administrative considerations, as well as self-of-the-therapist concerns. All of you is welcome.

Cadey offers both individual and group supervision for MFTs and LPCs working through the licensure process and on-site interns. One supervision group meets from 11am to 2pm via Zoom one Sunday each month, another IFS Experiential Supervision Group meets via Zoom the second Wednesday of each month, 11-12:30. This IFS group is also open to anyone, at any stage in their career, interested in learning more about IFS in an experiential way.

Shelby offers individual supervision for MFTs and interns only at this time and runs our internship program.

Cadey’s availability for primary supervises and our internship position for Summer/Fall of 2025 are currently full. Cadey does have some availability for supplemental individual supervision and group supervision.  


Contact Cadey directly at or Shelby directly at  for more information on these services.